Emailing College Coaches
Once you are ready to email schools, there are a few things to keep in mind to get the most out of your communication!
There are few rules to abide by:
Keep it simple! Coaches get a ton of emails everyday! They will skim through your email initially to find a few things they're looking for:
Video link - Make this easy to find and access.
Graduation year and position - different programs have very specific needs in each graduating class. Even if you are a good middle blocker in the class of '25, if that program does not need a middle in '25, they will likely not recruit you.
Height, Approach Touch (if a front row player) - many higher level programs need to know that you have the physical capabilities to play at that level.
Academic area of interest - If the coach is impressed with your video, they might go back and read your email more in depth to see if you have included what you want to study and if their school has that program or not. *this is more important for the high academic and DIII schools*
Connection to that school/program - Make it personal! WHY are you emailing that specific school? Coaches want to feel the love! Your email should not feel like you sent it to 50 other schools. What about that particular school interested you/checks your boxes?
TRIPLE CHECK the details
Coaches names spelled correctly
Correct name of the school
Mascot/colors of the school are correct
Send emails from YOUR (the recruit) personal email.
Do not send your email through a recruiting service or your parent's email address. If you do not already have one, create a gmail specifically for recruiting emails.
example -
Below is how to build your email to college coaches:
NAME, HS GRAD YEAR, POSITION, and something about you that stands out athletically or academically (ONLY IF IT IS GOOD)
Approach touches 10β or higher, 4.0 GPA,...
Example - Amy Angelos, 2024 Middle Blocker, 10'.5'' approach touch! 4.0 GPA
1st PARAGRAPH- Intro (2-3 sentences)
Introduce yourself and re-state everything in your subject line in sentence form. Include what you want to study in school (if you know that information).
Example - "Hi Coach, My name is Amy Angelos, I am a 2024 Middle Blocker from Madison, WI. I play for Madtown Juniors Volleyball Club and I have an approach touch over 10'.5''! I am interested in (Name of School) and want to study (area of study). "
2nd PARAGRAPH - Volleyball information
Volleyball Information:
Link to your film - direct video link or link to your profile page on Balltime
Schedule - practice and tournaments
Contact info - coach, recruiting coordinator, you
Call to action:
Ask them to come watch you play
Watch your video
Contact your recruiting coordinator
Set up a phone call (depending on your year in school and the division of the school you are talking to)
Camp information
3rd PARAGRAPH - Why that school (2-3 sentences)
What about THAT SPECIFIC SCHOOL/VB program interests you. What about that school/volleyball program makes it the right 'fit' for you?
Example - "I am very interested in playing at (name of school/program mascot) because":
volleyball program highlights - "I want to be a part of a championship culture like yours", "I want to help build an amazing program", "I want to help win a conference championship"
personal connection - "I have attended camp and love the staff and players", "my (relative) attended (school) and loved it!", "I grew up a (mascot) fan!"
location - "it is close to home", "I have always wanted to live on the beach", "I want to be in the city"
academics - "it offers a great (area of study) program", "I want to go to a small school and the size is perfect"
4th PARAGRAPH- A LITTLE about you (1-2 sentences)
Limit the fluff, but add a little spice. Give a unique thing about you! Something that a coach can remember about you that separates you.
Example of fluff - "I am a great teammate and love to compete!" "I am a hard worker" - these things are statements anyone can make, and everyone does make. If you add a bit of fluff, give a story:
Example of fluff with a story behind it - "I am super competitive because I grew up with siblings and we have always pushed each other to be our best", "I love to compete, I play volleyball, basketball, swim, and I am in band - I play the drums!"
While you can create an amazing email to college coaches, the MOST important thing to include is a link to your highlight video. The next section will team you how to build the best highlight video using Balltime!
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